Ozonation at storage sites. Prevention of pathogens, moulds, microorganisms, and warehouse pests.
Using ozonized water for washing fruit and vegetables.
One of the key factors determining the quality of plant-based food products is the uncontaminated raw material. As plants are in close contact with their environment at all stages throughout their life, they carry a variety of microorganisms on their surface and in their tissue. Where conditions for the proliferation of these microorganisms are favourable, the nutritional value of products may deteriorate rapidly and pose a risk to human and animal health. According to statistics published by the FAO, more than 14% of the harvest is lost due to the harmful effects of microorganisms (bacteria, microscopic fungi, etc.).
In the last century, scientists developed a method for ozone gas extraction with the use of a special device and discovered the effectiveness and possibilities of ozone application. In Lithuania, the first attempts at ozone application in drying grains using active ventilation were made in 1986 at what was then the Agriculture Academy (now Aleksandras Stulginskis University). Ozone (O3) is a very strong oxidizer, the fungicidal properties of which are very attractive due to their efficiency and environmental friendliness. Ozonators can render products, equipment, surfaces, and the environment harmless; therefore, O3 is used in Lithuania within the food industry, agriculture, fruit and vegetable processing, poultry and fish farming, animal husbandry, and rural tourism etc. The main advantage of ozonation is the interaction of ozone with microorganisms, as it does not generate any harmful products. Ozone works not only as an insecticide, but as a fungicide as well.
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